East Kootenay Community Action Program for Children
East Kootenay CAPC is a 6-member Coalition that runs 25 programs in 10 different communities. Each community offers programing specific to meeting the needs of that particular region. Program types include early literacy and numeracy programs; play/art/activity programs; parent support groups; parent, tot and family resource centre drop-ins; referrals to other programs and services; a resource/toy library; guest speakers; health, wellness & life-skills programs as well as cultural programs and celebrations.
The group activities provided are:
Indoor gym activities for children and caregivers.
Morning activity, snack and gym activities for children and caregivers.
Children and caregivers enjoy preparing, cooking and sharing a meal together.
Caregivers and children take part in play activities together.
For information on programs operating in your community, please contact your closest coalition member agency below;
Valley Community Services Society
Address: 617 11th Avenue South, Box 187 Creston, BC V0B 1G0
Phone: (250) 428 0218
Fax: (250) 428 5175
Email: familyplace@valley.services
EKCAPC Coordinator
Box 187 - 915 Pine Street
Phone: (250) 428 5547
Fax: (250) 428 5175
Email: ekcapc@valley.services
Windermere Valley
Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy
Address: Box 2619, Invermere, BC V0A 1K0
Phone: (250) 342 3248
Fax: (250) 342 3248
Email: capcinv@hotmail.com
Website: http://www.cbal.org/
Cranbrook Community Connections Society of Southeast BC
Address: 209A 16th Ave N, Cranbrook, BC V1C 5S8
Phone: (250) 426 2976
Fax: (250) 426 2978
Email: capccran@gmail.com
Elk Valley
Fernie Women's Resource Centre and Drop-in Centre
Address: Box 2054, Fernie, BC V0B 1M0
Phone: (250) 423 4687
Fax: (250) 423 3633
Email: elkvalley.capc@gmail.com
Golden Community Resources Society
Address: PO Box 746, Golden, BC V0A 1H0
Phone: (250) 344 5413
Fax: (250) 344 2515
Email: goldenecdc@gmail.com
Kimberley Community Connections Society of Southeast BC
Address: 209A 16th Ave N, Cranbrook, BC V1C 5S8
Phone: (250) 426 2976
Email: capckimb@shaw.ca
Funded by the Public Health Agency of Canada
For information on programs operating in your community, please contact your closest coalition member agency below;
Valley Community Services Society
Address: 617 11th Avenue South, Box 187 Creston, BC V0B 1G0
Phone: (250) 428 0218
Fax: (250) 428 5175
Email: familyplace@valley.services
EKCAPC Coordinator
Box 187 - 915 Pine Street
Phone: (250) 428 5547
Fax: (250) 428 5175
Email: ekcapc@valley.services
Windermere Valley
Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy
Address: Box 2619, Invermere, BC V0A 1K0
Phone: (250) 342 3248
Fax: (250) 342 3248
Email: capcinv@hotmail.com
Website: http://www.cbal.org/
Cranbrook Community Connections Society of Southeast BC
Address: 209A 16th Ave N, Cranbrook, BC V1C 5S8
Phone: (250) 426 2976
Fax: (250) 426 2978
Email: capccran@gmail.com
Elk Valley
Fernie Women's Resource Centre and Drop-in Centre
Address: Box 2054, Fernie, BC V0B 1M0
Phone: (250) 423 4687
Fax: (250) 423 3633
Email: elkvalley.capc@gmail.com
Golden Community Resources Society
Address: PO Box 746, Golden, BC V0A 1H0
Phone: (250) 344 5413
Fax: (250) 344 2515
Email: goldenecdc@gmail.com
Kimberley Community Connections Society of Southeast BC
Address: 209A 16th Ave N, Cranbrook, BC V1C 5S8
Phone: (250) 426 2976
Email: capckimb@shaw.ca
Funded by the Public Health Agency of Canada